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Acoustic Cold Brew Coffee

Sensotech’s proprietary (patent pending) ultrasonic based technology reduces the time to make Cold Brew Coffee from 16+ hours to less than 20 minutes while retaining the same characteristics.

  • Cold Brew Coffee is a type of coffee, usually made when coarse coffee grounds are steeped in cold water for an extended period of time.
  • This slow, low temperature brewing process makes cold brew taste very different from its hot brewed counterpart.
  • Cold Brew Coffee has Lower Acidity, Lower Bitterness and is Smoother.

With the market growing more than 25% per year, Cold Brew Coffee has evolved from a niche trend to the mainstream with national coffee chains now offering it as part of their standard menu. We are also witnessing the introduction of countertop appliances targeting the home consumer however, this remains in its infancy stage likely due to the challenge of reducing the required 16+ hour coffee steeping time.

Sensotech is exploring the possibility of a commercial relationship with a partner possessing complimentary attributes and skill set to bring this new product to market.